Ron has been working on the landscaping since we moved in and now that it's spring he's been going all out and the yard is looking fantastic! He got some free wood chips for the front yard this past weekend to finish off the left side of the front yard. I really should have taken before pics of the yard. Basically just picture the tree....and nothing else and you will have an idea of what it looked like! He's planted about 15 trees including apple, flowering plum, beech, bamboo, alder, maple and more I can't remember. His next big undertaking will be to put in a brick walk way from the front gate to the stairs and a large pond with a waterfall in the front yard - I can't wait!!
Amazingly enough Ron's been hauling around some of his plants for 15 years in pots, just waiting for the day when we would own a home and he could plant them in the ground. We were hardly able to do any gardening at our last rental, (they didn't like plants and flowers I guess), but now he can garden to his heart's content and use his horticulture and gardening skills to create beauty all around us. We've had some iris bulbs for 12 years that have never bloomed until we came here. My theory is they know they're home finally.
The picture below reminds me of a woodland retreat. I'm tempted to do a painting of it, hmmm..

Bamboo plants are along the fence line planted in pots so they don't take over the yard. We also planted an apple tree, butterfly bush, lamb's ear, snap dragons, ferns and lilies on this side.

We plan to do a brick walk way where the bare dirt is now.

Snap dragons and bamboo in the back ground.

I love these wooden pieces that line the path to the bath tub pond. Ron built the fence to the right.

Head cat hanging out on the porch.