Wednesday, November 17, 2010
What's been going on
My camera broke at the end of summer, so I haven't been able to take pictures for a few months. This has put a damper on my blogging to say the least! I have been able to borrow a camera a few times and have a few pics to share. I'm going to be doing some "catch up" posts, but thought I'd drop in to say hello and let you all know I'm still alive and well!
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Happy 4th of July!

My mosaic stepping stone made from English bone china. Please tread on me!

Saturday, June 26, 2010
Red Cords
A Polly Wog Tale
They spotted a lovely pond with beautiful marshes, cat tales and tall grasses.
The girl stopped to take pictures of herself. This one turned out especially good.
Then they happened upon a very marshy area. The mom thought it might be a good place to stop and look for polly wogs. So they did, and they began to notice little hopping bugs all around their feet...wait a second, there were bugs and there were frogs!!
They hunted frogs to their hearts' content and caught about fifteen of the little creatures. They had just turned into frogs because some still had their stubby little tails.
Then they walked the half hour back down the road...and took a few small breaks along the way.
They got home and the little boy helped his dad with their new frog friends.
The frogs were released into their new home where hopefully they will live for years to come.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Father's Day
We're growing three varieties of potatoes this year. Not pictured are the yellow colored ones, not sure of the name but you get the idea!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
On Community
Well, all good things must come to an end and when it ended it was over, there was nothing left there for us, and we were more than ready to move on. We moved to the next town over not knowing anyone close by really and wondered how God would knit us into this community. We knew some people a few blocks away, but not well, and at first it felt pretty isolating here. As the months wore on we were amazed to see how we found families and made friends in the area; it was uncanny. We've gotten to know the family we knew who lived a few blocks down. They are awesome people, so full of faith and love. They have a boy and girl just like us and I pass down Justin's clothes to their little guy and we switch off babysitting for date nights. Ron knows a co-worker who lives a few blocks further as well. He and Ron both love to garden and we share our veggies with them and they give us home pressed apple juice and awesome gifts for our garden. We have dinner with them off and on and their cooking is so delicious! I met another family through a friend who lives a few blocks away as well. They are on the same spiritual journey I'm on and "get" where I'm at. I'm so blessed to have found them! So a mere year later, and we have three families we're friends with who live just a few blocks away in our little community!
The other day we had a dinner that was mostly from our garden: Potatoes and herbs, a fresh salad with carrots and peas, and spaghetti flavored with herbs from our herb garden. After dinner we went out and picked some lettuce, spinach, carrots and potatoes, loaded them into bags and went on a walk through our neighborhood dropping off our garden bounty and veggie starts to our friends a few blocks away. It was the most wonderful evening! Our hearts felt full and we were loving our community.
That night has gotten me thinking a lot about the meaning of community. I always thought that community was a place you had to set up - a place that had to be painstakingly planned in every way. The element of fear was always there - what if someone moves away?, what if God takes us away from our support system?, etc. What I'm realizing is that God is fully capable of setting up community anywhere! It's a no brainer for Him. We're the ones who add in the complications and strings to the whole situation making things much more complicated and messy.
I look around us now at the community we're blessed with and I'm in total awe. Community has come to us in such an incredible way and now we get to nurture it and see it grow in beautiful ways. I feel so lucky - SO blessed! I cherish our neighbors more than ever because I feel they're a gift God has given me. I don't feel like I deserve it, but the universe has smiled on us and we're blessed.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
The Garden via a Good Lense
Monday, June 14, 2010
Upstairs Hallway

Upstairs Bathroom
Bedroom Mini Make-Over On A Budget

Sunday, June 13, 2010
Garden In Bloom