Front of purse. I had a time of it getting all of the flowers to go the right direction! The inside of the flap is the same material.
Back pocket

Front of purse. I had a time of it getting all of the flowers to go the right direction! The inside of the flap is the same material.
Back pocket
Evidence that we really do live by the beach, a cold beach at that!
Building sand castles.
Sarah ballet leaping over the sea weed.
Sarah read a book...
Justin laughed each time he threw a rock...
Sarah sat on a big log.
A heart rock Ron found me.
Close up shot of the batiks - I love the colors!
I did a border around the 4 patch and regular squares and added big blocks for the outside border. I did my own binding for the first time, love how it turned out!
Backing fabric
Hand made gift tag
Little Micah on his hand made quilt!
Here is the cute little guy at one week old, sleeping with his sock monkey and lulled to sleep with ocean sounds.