Friday, February 27, 2009

Elephant in Felt Pillow

I decided to get adventurous and venture out into the world of felt. I'm pretty pleased with the result: A fun elephant pillow for Justin's new room, complete with a button eye. He loves it and said, "Pretty Mom!" when it was finished! I'm glad I have his seal of approval, since it will be in his room after all. I found this adorable elephant print and Batik fabric at Fabric Temptations. I drew a sketch of an elephant from the print and cut out my felt shapes from that pattern. I then hand stitched the felt onto the pillow cover. It turned out pretty well considering it was my fist felt attempt! I will be playing with felt more in the future, it's so easy and fun to work with.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Tim and Ilana's Wedding

We went to Oregon and had a fabulous time my cousin Ilana's wedding this weekend. The wedding was held at my aunt and uncle's house, (Ilana's parents.) It was such a beautiful wedding and it was great to see my mom's family - the aunts, uncles, cousins and friends of the family. I hadn't been to a wedding in a while, (and I love weddings!), so it was a treat! I loved the beautiful flowers and decorations. The wedding ceremony was conducted under a tent as it was raining, and there were candle holders hung by orange ribbons with beautiful orange and magenta flowers hanging down on the edges of the tent. The reception was held under a huge tent and was decorated with hanging multi-colored glass candle holders and a chandelier, white lights, and more beautiful orange and magenta flowers. I didn't get a picture of the chandelier, wish I had! Ilana's mom, Rhoda, is a gourmet baker and she and my other aunts had been baking wonderful breads and other delicious food all week in Rhoda's commercial kitchen there on the property. My aunts Julie and Ruth made the most amazing cheese cakes! Yes, a good time was had by all! Here are a few pictures from the wedding.

Ilana, the beautiful bride coming down the isle. She looks like a gorgeous Jewish princess!

Ilana and the maid of honor (her sister) Talia arranging her hair

Tim and Ilana's first dance

The first dance again - I love the back of her wedding dress!

A shot of the ceremony - mainly backs of heads!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Perspectives and Beyond

So one would think that my mind would be focused on packing right now, since we're supposed to be moving into a new house soon. But instead I can't stop thinking about traveling to a different country, go figure. Let me explain; I'm taking a class called "Perspectives on the World Christian Movement." It's unlike any other class I've ever taken which has come as a pleasant surprise to me. It is not at all what I expected, and this is a good thing because I feel very ready for something different that will challenge me beyond where I've been spiritually. I've been feeling for a while that I was about to experience some significant growth spiritually, but wasn't sure how this growth would take place, or when for that matter. We all experience many varied stages in our spiritual growth. There are the valleys and the mountain tops, the flat level plains and the rugged cliffs. For a while I've been hanging out in the plains...for a long while honestly. There are good things about the plains; They aren't hard to navigate, nope, they are exceptionally easy! The ease can become monotonous though, and can even end up becoming a detriment if you start thinking that you get to stay in that place forever. You will have to go back up a hill again inevitably, or down into a valley for that matter!

Anyway, back to the class I'm taking. Perspectives is a class which focuses on God's heart for humanity and the nations, the current state of world wide missions, and is a guide book for reaching all cultures for Christ. I was told that it is a life changing class and I'm finding that to be true. It really is changing my perspectives on missions in ways I could never have imagined. I've always had a heart for missions since I can remember. My great grandma and grand father were missionaries to China before World War II. They barely escaped the country as the country was being invaded. They were literally on the last plane that flew out of their region. Then they were missionaries in Brazil to the unreached Amazon tribes, and went on to print the Bible and other Christian books into Portuguese. My grandmother used to tell me her missionary stories and I could spend hours writing them here, but I'll save that for another time....

I've been on several missions trips in my life: I went to Baja Mexico once while in High School and then again when I was in my early twenties. I have also been to England and went to a youth church planting school there in 1997. All of these trips impacted my life in a profound way, and I've always known I would be going over seas again for God...I just didn't know when. Honestly, in the last few years I've been wondering if I really would be going again.

But, here I am now, and the church I go to is currently praying about going over seas on a missions trip sometime this year! I'm so excited to be part of the prayer team and things seem to be falling into place. We're not sure where we're going yet, or when, but God will show us the whens and hows of it all in time I'm sure. I do have my worries and fears about all of this, but I know that God is bigger than any fear I could have. As my great grandma used to say, "If you're supposed to go honey God will show you and He will provide."

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Au Revoir Donnie and Allison

Today we went to our friends, (and neighbors), farewell potluck. Donnie and Allison are moving to Niger Africa to work with the Fufuldi and Wadabee people, (I probably butchered the spelling!), and plan to be gone for about 2 years. I helped host a baby shower for Allison yesterday as they will be having their first child in Niger! They were in Niger before moving back to the states and have been back for about 4 years. Allison got her nursing degree while they were here so she could use her skills to help people over seas. I'm going to miss them both a lot! Allison and I share the joy of crafting and had fun sharing projects with one another. She is also a talented jewelry artist and I enjoyed buying her beautiful creations.

If you're reading this Donnie and Allison - Thanks so much for your friendship over the past 4 years! You have blessed our family in so many ways - from the dinners to the Fire and Light! We can't wait to see what great adventures and exploits you will be a part of in Niger. Au Revoir for now friends! (Oh, and please post pics of baby H as soon as he/she is here, thanks, Auntie April!)

Last Goodbyes

Friday, February 6, 2009

More House Pictures

Here are more pics of the new house. We will be painting the house inside and out as well as putting new flooring in, so it will look completely different when we're done with our improvements. I can't wait to get into the house and start making it cute!

A front shot - I love all of the long windows and Victorian trim on the porch!

A beautiful cherry tree in bloom welcomes us.

The front hallway

Standing in the living room, looking into the dining room, (kitchen is in the back ground.)

Dining room - I love the wainscoat!

Standing in the kitchen, looking into the dining room and living room on the far side.

The beautiful kitchen window

At the top of the stairs/front hallway

Upstairs hallway/banister

Upstairs hallway/landing

Justin looking out one of his bedroom windows