As I was writing the post "37 Things About This 37 Year Old" I began pondering about my life and I started thinking about the fact that I will be 40 in three years. Then I started asking myself, "Have I accomplished everything I had hoped to up until now in my life?" "Where do I go from here, what plans do God have for me now?" I think I'm beginning to understand the phrase mid life crisis! There are so many dreams I have accomplished from having kids to traveling the world and lots in between. But, there are also many dreams I have yet to see happen. I decided to set some short term goals for myself for the next 3 years. Basically, things I want to see happen before I'm 40. Here's the list:
Finish my art degree. (I'm half way there already.) I've had this dream since high school when I fell in love with art. I've dabbled in various mediums for years, but have decided to go with graphic design. There are several reasons for this: Firstly, I can do this career from home, so I can still be with the kids. Secondly, I can do work via the
Internet so I can go out side of the area for jobs.
Buy a home. This is contingent on the economy of course, but with God all things are possible! I've always had a dream to buy a home, but it seems that as time goes on that desire gets stronger. I moved so much growing up and never really felt like I had a permanent home. I want my kids to have that security. I also want to have a home where people can come hang out and feel God's love.
Get my health up to speed. I've come a long way on this one, but I've got a ways to go. My pregnancy with Justin was a rough high risk one and it's taken me a while to fully recover health wise. I had a heart surgery this year to correct an
arrhythmia I had suffered from since I was 13. It has changed my life in a great many ways for the better! I've been able to get my thyroid up to speed which has increased my quality of life so much. My health is better over all, but I'm not where I want to be yet. Someday I hope to write a book about my health journey, but that one is more than 3 years away!
Last but not least, and most importantly, realize what God has for me next and step into it. I've been feeling for a while that God has a new season coming for me. The past few years have been full of a lot of changes for us as a family with Ron going through school, graduating, starting a career, etc. These years have been a long season of waiting. I think I had been on the mountain top for so long spiritually that coming back down to the valley wasn't what I wanted or expected. After all, it's supposed to keep getting better and better, right? Anyway, I don't know exactly what God has in store, but I'm sensing it's going to be something that will challenge my faith, (in a good way), and take me into a new, fresh season.