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Justin and his hand made pottery "cat" mug dad bought him
flamenco dancers performing
Here he is Lori, with the book on his head, and thumb in his mouth.
Last night I took a ballet class for the first time in about ten years! I can't believe it's been that long...wow. I started taking ballet in high school and loved it. I went to a really good performing arts high school that had a good multi faceted dance program. I also did worship dance at my church, led a dance team, and took some folk dancing classes. In college I continued to take dance. In my early twenties I taught children's dance through a recreation center. I quit dancing around the time Sarah was born, (yeah, kids are a major life change), and I always promised myself I would do it again...soon. But, the timing just never seemed to be right. I couldn't find the right teacher, and life was busy with Ron going to school full time. I was a full time stay at home mom of course, and somehow dancing just didn't happen. People always encouraged me to dance saying things like, "You're such a beautiful dancer, when are you going to dance again?" "Soon!" I would say, of course.
I have to say I regret not going back sooner. My muscles had a rough time remembering what to do, (let alone doing it), and after the class I felt like my body had been through a meat grinder; it hurt let me tell you! But, I don't regret it a bit, it was totally worth the pain. My teacher is Sarah's dance teacher, and she was so kind to me. I'm really grateful she is letting me take the class. It is beginning ballet after all, but still I feel like I'm starting from scratch all over again. My brain knows what to do, but my body is....well, a bit behind. It's a good challenge for me though, great exercise, and most of all it's fun. I love dancing and always have. There's something amazing about expressing creativity through motion and movement. I'm always in awe of how God created our bodies to move.