Saturday, August 30, 2008
Pants for Riley
Monday, August 25, 2008
A Morning Without Sarah
After I dropped her off I took Justin out for a special mother son date. We went to Wildberries and he got a frosted owl cookie and juice. I got a mango strawberry smoothie, so good. When his owl was gone he wanted another one, this time it was a rabbit. Then we headed home and drove past the school since he was saying, "sis, sis, sis?" I had to remind him where she was, that she was ok, and that she would be home later. He seemed at peace after that until a little later when he blurted out, "Sawah?" This is the best pronunciation of her name I have ever heard him say. It's usually "see, say, see see, or awa", or some other form of the name. I think he was really desperate to communicate that he missed her, poor guy.
We got home and I read his special books, we played, then had lunch. One of his latest favorite foods is salsa, don't ask me why! He loves to gulp it down no matter how hot or spicy. Today he took his chips out of the bowl and before he dipped them in the salsa he started counting them, "one, two, one, two, one...." It was SO adorable! I tried to add three into the repertoire, but to no avail. One, two sounds better I guess. We played a little more, then it was nap time. I was tired too, but couldn't settle down for a nap....too worried. All day I've been wondering if she's ok, if the 6th graders are being nice to her, if she misses her friends, etc. I bet when I pick her up she's going to say she had the best day ever.
Update: Sarah had a great first day at school. She loves her teachers and her all that worry for nothing! I think Justin and I had a harder day than she did, but we're adjusting slowly.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
"Beach Reflections" Digital Triptych

Saturday, August 23, 2008
Farmer's Market
This morning we headed off to our local farmer's market to buy some local organic veggies and breathe in the culture we know and love. The market is always set up at our town plaza, right smack dab in the middle of town, surrounded by the charming historic buildings and beautiful landscape of our town. The thing I like the most about our market is the amazing sense of community and culture I feel every time I go. I love being able to see friends I haven't seen in a while, friends I see a lot, and even acquaintances. Today we got to hear our area's best blue grass band, Huckleberry Flint, playing. We know most of the band members, so it was fun to get to come out and support them. The kids love farmer's market just as much as we do if not more. They like to run around and feel all the fruit and veggie textures, (much to the owners dislike at times!), watch the juggling acts and eat the home grown goodness. I love being able to just sit back and watch the sights, and for a moment I forget about all of the weekend's to do lists, chores, and mommy duties and get to soak in the flavor of our quaint little town. Today we filled our basket full to the brim with yummy fruits veggies, and even bought a gallon of locally made chai, yummy stuff. I'm glad I dragged myself out of bed and decided to go today, it was well worth it! (Sarah was here today, but she's in the "don't take my picture" mode now, and I wasn't able to steal any shots, which is why you don't see her here, ah well.)
There it is, our farmer's market in all its glory
Ron checking out the tomatoes he planned to use that night in a mozzarella/basil/tomato dish
Justin asked dad for a honey stick, and of course he got one
I love the look on his face here
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Congratulations Honey! (This is the big news)
I am so proud that he has worked incredibly hard and accomplished so much in such a short period of time. It seems that whatever endeavor he undertakes he pours his heart and soul into, and he manages to make the best of any situation no matter how difficult. From graduating in hopes to become a teacher and not being able to find a teaching position locally, then starting a coffee shop from the ground up and managing it well for two years, to working in hospital management - whatever circumstances life throws at him he is determined to make the best of it. He has been told by people that he "encourages them to be a better person." I am so blessed to be married to such a man of integrity and character! Thanks so much for all of your hard work and dedication to our family Ron, we love you!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Life Group
Here is our group shot. The guy on the left is Jacob. He is planning to go on the mission field to Brazil in the fall, but he's here in the mean time.

A Berry Fun Day
Look at those beauties!
Mmmm, cobbler
Angel's Trumpet & more blooms
Butterfly Bush - These smell divine!
Sweet Peas - These will add sweet fragrance to an entire room!
I love the coral color of these roses
Sunflowers - I never get tired of them
"Weeding Time"
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Back to Blogging
Monday, August 18, 2008
I'm a designer now...sort of! & Justin's quilt
"Apple Blossom" Size 2 T Made from repro vintage fabrics & vintage pillow case lace.
Cargo pocket detail
Justin's Quilt
Justin's quilt is finally done at long last! I worked on it from when he was about 6 months old, and finished it around his 2nd b-day, so it took about a year and a half. It is my first pieced quilt ever and I had it machine quilted at Scottie Dog Quilts (Thanks Liz!) Now that I have two kids there just isn't time for things like hand quilting any more! Justin loves his quilt although he insists on using it as a floor mat, (I think the reason for this is that I had it laid out on the floor for months while I was designing it.) :)
I love my new floor mat...I mean quilt, mom!
At Ron's suggestion I put the colors in diagonal rows, a boy quilt must have male influence I say.
Close up of the quilt block, these took forever to cut and piece, but the end result was well worth it!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Seascapes Dance Performance
Some of the dancers the night before the performance painting UV light paint on the turtles I painted. When the lights went out in the dress rehearsal the cracks in the turtle didn't show up (they were supposed to be bright blueish) so we had to coat them the night before and they looked fantastic the day of the show!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
The Garden
Trip to North Bend, OR
The kids and I headed up north for a week vacation on the Oregon Coast. We had a great time visiting family, (we stayed with my Aunt Mimi, thanks Mimi!) going to the beach, and hanging out on the family farm. Here are a few pics from our trip:
Sarah taking pics with her great kid camera
Justin braving the wind, brrr, it was cold! We went hunting for agates, but only found a few that day. It was fun none the less...
Justin had his first official hair cut done by my aunt Becky. Here is the before...
...and after! Thanks auntie, I can see again!
We took a visit out to see my aunt Julie and her lovely garden at the farm. There is a beautiful old walnut tree there which has been there forever. My family decided it would be the final resting place for my grandparents, so we go there to visit them.
A friend made the wooden plaque which reads: Papa's Tree, Psalm 1.
It's a perfect tree for climbing, so the kids had to climb on up there. I know Papa and De Dee were smiling!